Paul and I attended the year starter update of Citisec Online last February 19, 2013 and I have some good notes to share.
They have discussed the factors affecting good Philippine market where PSEi is currently at its 18th all time high.
Factors I noted were as follows:
1. Consumer spending is high boosted by upcoming philippine election
2. Remittances continue to rise
3. Median age of Filipinos is at 23years old
4. Minimum wage is still competitive compared to our neighboring countries
5. Banks' balance sheets are very strong
6. Interest rates are very low
7. Government spending has improved and still improving
In addition, they also pointed out some factors as to why foreign investos like PH today.
1. PH is not dependent on exports so we are resillient to external factors.
2. Consumer spending accounts to 70% of GDP which means people have the means and the ways.
3. Age of population is very young
On the negative side PH is a bit pricey compared to other SE Asean countries
What to do during "all time high" market?
1. Think long-term
2. Put your long-term money only.
3. Set aside money for opportunities to buy more due to corrections.
No one can actually tell when the market will experience correction. So be prepared no matter what.
Continue investing regularly and have a good financial foundation.
Increase your financial IQ by reading books and attending seminars that will train you and give you more knowledge.
Till then.^_^